Logistics company brings new jobs to Montgomery Co. |
Written by David Horn
Thursday, 20 January 2011 11:45 |
(RALEIGH) -- A provider of logistics services to the plastics industry plans to locate a new warehouse and transfer facility in Montgomery County. The move by Frontier Logistics will create 71 new jobs as the company invests $5.15 million in the project over the next five years.
Gov. Bev Perdue said on Thursday that Frontier is eligible for a $128,000 grant from the One North Carolina Fund. “In the 21st century global economy, moving goods quickly and efficiently is critical. I’ve focused North Carolina on the need for investing in logistics and transportation infrastructure,” said Gov. Perdue.
North Carolina's superior transportation network and strategic location factored into Frontier choosing the site in Star. “Frontier Logistics is enthusiastically looking forward to bringing our clean, neighbor-friendly business to North Carolina,” said George Cook, CEO of Frontier Logistics.
Frontier Logistics provides diverse and complete supply chain management services with a special focus on the plastics industry. Based in Texas, Frontier Logistics is seeking to expand its services to southeastern markets.