Monday - March 17, 2025
Democrats take slight lead on generic legislative ballot
Thursday, 19 May 2011 09:23

(RALEIGH) -- A new poll suggests the stalemate over extending unemployment benefits and potential education cuts could be hurting the GOP’s chances of maintaining control of the General Assembly in 2012.

The latest survey by Democratic-leaning Public Policy Polling found that Democrats have taken a 45-43 lead over Republicans on the generic legislative ballot. That means it’s the first time Democrats have led the statewide popular vote since 2009.

PPP director Tom Jensen also pointed out that the decline in support from independents, who now favor Republicans by a 37-33 margin, has dropped from a 20-point lead in November 2010. “There’s about 13 percent more registered Democrats than Republicans,” said Jensen. “So for Republicans to win, it takes a significant advantage with independents. And since it’s is now down to just four points, that’s why Democrats have been able to take the lead overall.”

The poll also found 55 percent supported the idea of state lawmakers holding a stand-alone vote on extending unemployment benefits compared to 20 percent who opposed the idea. In addition, 55 percent favored extending the one-cent sales tax increase to minimize education cuts while 32 percent said it was more important to let the temporary tax expire.



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