(RALEIGH) -- Gov. Beverly Perdue may get the state budget by this weekend after the Senate casts a final vote on the measure Thursday and the House gets it on Friday. Perdue reiterated her anger Thursday morning that the proposal would cost thousands of jobs in public education.
"It does not fully fund teachers and teacher's assistants and folks across the state are going to be able to see that in the next six weeks as teachers across North Carolina, principals, assistant principals, all the custodians, you're going to lose about 9,200 positions/people from the school system in North Carolina," said Perdue.
But Senate President Phil Berger said he thinks the job losses will be minimal. "It is likely that there will be people who will have their positions eliminated that are filled but the numbers that have been bandied about are wildly exaggerated, I would submit," said Berger.
Republicans argue they have restored funding for teaching assistant jobs and for more teachers in the early grades.