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Protesters make demands of Gov. Romney at Raleigh headquarters
Written by Stephanie Hawco/David Horn   
Monday, 16 July 2012 11:23

(RALEIGH) -- Members of are demanding that Mitt Romney release his tax records and shed light on his tenure at a venture capital firm. A handful of protesters showed up at Romney headquarters in Raleigh last Friday, but they were not allowed in.

Protesters including Candace Davies delivered letters requesting more information about the Republican nominee and his work at Bain Capital. "If he's making money on the backs of the middle class, if he's sending our jobs overseas, if he's terminating positions at Bain so that families are not able to provide for themselves just because it earns him more money, then I have a problem with that as an American," said Davies.

Romney spokesman Robert Reid said the nominee has put out his tax returns, and is in the process of releasing more information. Reid said  the protesters are turning the 2012 election into class warfare.

"Gov. Romney has a stellar reputation that he's earned through hard work.  You ask anybody whose ever worked with him through his time at Bain Capital, though his time working at the Olympics, and his time as Massachusetts' governor, they understand that Gov. Romney is a man of character, that he has worked hard for his money," said Reid.

Reid says Romney will release last year's tax returns soon. Protesters said Romney should go back as far as 12 years.

Romney has said that he had left Bain Capital before jobs were sent overseas.  He wants an apology from President Obama for accusing him of having a part in outsourcing jobs at the company.  Obama's campaign has said the President will not apologize.

Last Updated on Thursday, 19 July 2012 00:00


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