UNC System to Educate Lawmakers |
Written by Bruce Ferrell
Saturday, 12 January 2013 10:22 |
(CHAPEL HILL) -- UNC system advocates will be educating lawmakers during this year's session of the General Assembly, as they push for funding during tight budget times.
UNC-Chapel Hill Chancellor Holden Thorp says they'll help new legislators understand their agenda.
"It is second nature to us because it is the world we live in. So for people who don't talk about student debt, tuition, financial aid, and degree attainment every day, making sure we do the best job we can to help the new folks in state government understand what the issues and opportunities are, that's really our responsibility."
Thorp says 102 of the 170 state lawmakers are freshmen or sophomores haven't spent much time working with the university system.
Last Updated on Tuesday, 15 January 2013 00:00 |