Wednesday - March 19, 2025
No Charges In Gun Show Incident
Written by Bruce Ferrell   
Wednesday, 23 January 2013 08:18

(RALEIGH) – The local prosecutor says he cannot find a law was broken in connection with Saturday’s accidental shooting at the site of a gun show in Raleigh Saturday and will not fire. Three people were hurt when gun discharged at a checkpoint during the Dixie Gun and Knife Show at the State Fairgrounds.  


Wake County District Attorney Colon Willoughby  said he had researched North Carolina laws to arrive at the decision. North Carolina does not have a reckless endangerment law. One was proposed in the Legislature in 2005, but it never passed.

The shooting happened when 36-year-old Gary Lynn Wilson, of Wilmington, brought a loaded shotgun in a case to a security checkpoint.

As Wilson unzipped the case for inspection, officials said the weapon went off, striking three people, including a retired Wake County deputy working at the show.

The show continued Sunday, but private gun sales were not allowed. It is not clear yet whether they will be a policy change for any future shows at the fairgrounds related to private gun owners bringing guns to the site during the show. Guns are not allowed on the fairgrounds at other times.

It was one of three accidental gun show shootings nationwide over the weekend. There were also incidents reported in Indiana and Ohio.



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