RALEIGH - The first combined tag and tax notices will be mailed on a revised schedule, going out for September renewals rather than for renewals due in July. The revision allows for additional time to test and certify systems provided by vendors supplying online services for vehicle dealers.
The program will still be ready to implement on July 1 and that is when the DMV will begin collecting, however the first combined tag and tax notices will now be for vehicle renewals due in September 2013.
The new bills will reflect both vehicle property tax information from counties and other taxing jurisdictions, as well as vehicle registration and inspection information. Drivers used to pay for tags and taxes separately. The new program, “Tag & Tax Together,” will require one payment for both bills. Both tag renewals and tax payments must be paid in full to renew vehicle registration.
Vehicle owners can tell if they will be among the first to receive the new bills by checking to see if they have a “9” (for the month of September) sticker on their license tag. With each month that passes, additional vehicle owners will receive the new notice when their renewal is due. By mid-2014, the program should include all North Carolina vehicle owners.
The result of a law first passed by the General Assembly in 2005, the combination goes into effect this summer following the incorporation of county tax rates into the vehicle registration system. It is designed to provide easy one-time payment of vehicle tags and property taxes across the state.
In addition to the “Tag & Tax Together” information on the website, NCDMV, the N.C. Department of Revenue and North Carolina’s 100 counties are working together to get the word out about the new combined program.