Tuesday - March 11, 2025
Education Protests are Underway in Wake County
Written by Bruce Ferrell   
Saturday, 11 May 2013 08:13

Some Wake County parents, educators, and political leaders say it's time to put public pressure on GOP lawmakers.

They're protesting policies that would add more children to each classroom and change the income requirement for the state's free pre-K program. Former congressman and state superintendent Bob Etheridge says legislators should be investing instead of cutting.


"You know historically we have looked at the things, what can we invest in to make a difference in the future. These folks are saying 'What can we take down, what can we tear down, what can we move and do away with,' and that's sad."

With Republicans controlling the legislature and governor's mansion, Etheridge says it's up to parents to put public pressure on policy makers.

Last Updated on Saturday, 11 May 2013 08:18


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