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Questions Remain In Boone Hotel Deaths
Written by Bruce Ferrell   
Tuesday, 11 June 2013 07:25

BOONE – Authorities have determined three deaths in the same Boone hotel room in less than three months were caused by carbon monoxide toxicity. But, many questions remain unanswered including why the room continues to be used after the first two deaths in April.

11-year old Jeffrey Lee Williams was found apparently dead and his mother, 49-year old Jeannie Williams apparently not breathing in the room June 9th.

NCNN news partner GoBlueRidge.Net reports that in a press conference Monday, Boone Police and Fire gave the press the audio of the call from Saturday—and the ones from April 16th when a Washington State couple died in the same room—room 225.  Boone Police Chief Dana Crawford told the press that they now have some proof of cause of death of Jeffrey Williams and Daryl and Shirley Jenkins, found dead April 16th, “

As of Monday, Dr. Brent Hall, Regional Pathologist, was able to report Jeffrey Lee Williams was autopsied on June 9th, 2013, and preliminary indications are that he died from asphyxia.”  Crawford said that the Jenkins died of carbon monoxide toxicity—their toxicology results received yesterday.

It came to light that the Best Western was told by the Health Department in March about a problem with ventilation from a gas heater in a room adjacent to the pool, directly below room 225, but in spite of the Health Department sending out their own notice on the press conference, no one from that department was present to answer questions about what follow up might have come to their report. 

State Board of Examiners of Plumbing, Heating and Fire Sprinkler Contractors will be on the scene to further check that scenario, as the site remains closed and under police control.



Last Updated on Tuesday, 11 June 2013 07:39


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