Saturday - March 08, 2025
DOT Seeks Proposals for Grants
Written by Bruce Ferrell   
Monday, 23 September 2013 07:45

RALEIGH -- The North Carolina Department of Transportation t is now accepting proposals for its 2014 Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Grant Initiative, which provides funding for municipalities across the state to develop comprehensive bicycle and pedestrian plans. Smaller communities with populations of less than 5,000 can apply to develop combined bicycle and pedestrian plans.

The deadline for application submittal is Thursday, Dec. 19, at 5 p.m. Award recipients will be notified in June 2014.

“Plans like these help communities lay the groundwork for future projects that enhance biking and walking options, which in turn can have positive impacts on the economy, health and safety of the local population,” said Division of Bicycle and Pedestrian Director Lauren Blackburn in a press release.

Rather than being focused upon a specific project, the plans represent a comprehensive strategy for expanding bicycle and pedestrian opportunities within a given municipality. Plans address facilities, programs, services and regulations that encourage safe walking and bicycling.

Proposals will be judged in geographical groups to ensure an equal distribution of funding across the state. The final selection will incorporate a diverse mix of large cities to small towns.

Since 2004, approximately $3.8 million has been awarded to 143 communities across the state through the planning grant program. The program is sponsored byNCDOT’s Division of Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation and the Transportation Planning Branch.

For more information on the Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning Grant Initiative, contact Helen Chaney at (919) 707-2608 or This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Last Updated on Monday, 23 September 2013 07:47


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