Tuesday - March 18, 2025
Governor Lashes Out Against General Assembly
Written by Bruce Ferrell   
Wednesday, 25 March 2015 16:47

RALEIGH - Governor Pat McCrory is taking the State Senate to task on something they are trying to do on sales taxes -- and something they are not doing on business incentives. The governor, speaking before a group of higher education leaders, says he believes the Senate is dragging its feet when it comes to dealing with a House-passed incentives plan he offered called "NC Completes."

"Economic development recruiters from other states are saying, to our disadvantage, 'North Carolina hasn't got a plan yet," McCrory says. "I need this plan passed now."

McCrory criticized past efforts by the General Assembly to create incentives for businesses to come to North Carolina.

"I can't keep waiting another month or two months," McCrory says. "I can't afford to have temporary Band-Aid approaches to legislation."

The governor also calls out the General Assembly on their redistribution of state sales tax from wealthier counties to poorer and rural counties.

"It will decimate the travel and tourism industry in the West, in our cities and on the coastal beach areas that are dependent upon sales tax revenue," he says.

McCrory says sales tax funds should not be taken out of these other counties that put in hard work.

"They've made the investment in the infrastructure to bring travel and tourism to their towns and cities," he says.

McCrory also continues to push for the passage of of a historic preservation tax credit plan. On business incentives, Senate leaders are discussing a different job recruiting proposal and passed a temporary $5 million job recruiting fund as a temporary measure.



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