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Determining Credit Card Fraud May Be Easier Than You Think
Written by Bruce Ferrell   
Saturday, 18 July 2015 10:01

RALEIGH -- Credit card fraud may seem like a frightening potential reality to us, but there are many easy ways we can help decrease our chances to be a victim. Sometimes warning signs can be quite obvious to the eye.

Marietta Jelks from shared some tips to be alert of fraud.

"If you look at the report and there are things on there that you have no clue where they came from, if you didn't make those purchases, if you don't have accounts with some of these companies that are listed on your report, that's a great sign that you have been a victim of fraud."

Jelks says that if any information on your credit report seems off, you should get in contact with the Credit Reporting Bureau.

Last Updated on Sunday, 19 July 2015 20:10


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