Friday - March 14, 2025
Clinton, Trump, McCrory, Cooper Winners on Primary Night
Written by Staff   
Tuesday, 15 March 2016 21:44

RALEIGH – No surprises in the key races on the Tuesday state primary election ballot in North Carolina.  As the polls had showed, Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump won their respective primary contests.

Gov. Pat McCrory and Attorney General Roy Cooper will face each other in November showdown on Tuesday night, after big primary wins.

North Carolinians overwhelmingly voted in favor of a $2 billion bond that will invest in the university system, community colleges and other projects. Former Wake County legislator Deborah Ross won the Democratic nomination for U.S. Senate. Ross will face incumbent Richard Burr in November.

McCrory defeated C. Robert Brawley and Charles Kenneth Moss, with McCrory getting 82 percent of the vote.

McCrory made an appearance at a victory celebration for the bonds, but as for his own campaign, choose instead to issue a video message on Facebook.

Among Democrats, Cooper led Ken Spaulding of Durham, 71 percent to 28 percent.

Senator Burr defeated candidates including Dr. Greg Brannon for the Republican nomination. On the Democratic side, former Wake County legislator Ross downed multiple challengers as well

For Lieutenant Governor, Linda Coleman won on the Democratic side and will face incumbent Dan Forest in the fall.





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