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Motor Club Offers Halloween Safety Tips
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Friday, 28 October 2016 17:06

CHARLOTTE -- Halloween can be one of the most dangerous nights of the year for pedestrians and motorists, as hoards of trick-or-treaters hit the streets throughout the Carolinas. AAA Carolinas is offering some advice to make this year a safe evening for all concerned. "Motorists need to be extra vigilant between the hours of 4 p.m. and midnight, when there will be floods of pedestrians walking through neighborhoods," said Tiffany Wright, president of the AAA Carolinas Foundation for Traffic Safety. "Drive slowly, scan the road ahead and watch out for tick-or-treaters who may dart in or out of the street."

AAA Carolinas offers a few  tips for motorists:

*Slow down. According to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, a pedestrian is more than twice as likely to be seriously injured if they are hit by a car traveling 35 mph compared to 25 mph.

Watch for children in the street. Excited trick-or-treaters, often in dark costumes, may not pay attention to traffic and cross mid-block or between parked cars.

*Avoid neighborhood shortcuts. If possible, avoid cutting through residential streets where trick-or-treaters are likely to be present.

*Drive sober. Alcohol-impaired drivers make up about one-third of all motor vehicle deaths. Designate a sober driver.

*Don't drive distracted. In the five seconds it takes to answer a text, your car travels the length of a football field. If possible, ask other passengers to handle navigation, and don't use the phone while driving even if it has hands-free features.

Parents can play a vital role in keeping their trick-or-treaters safe on Halloween night. AAA Carolinas offers tips for parents and children.

*Make a plan. Review trick-or-treating safety precautions and plan the route ahead of time. Tell your children never to cross the street mid-block or between parked cars.

Trick-or-Treat together. AAA recommends that parents accompany youngsters at least until the age of 12.

*Check costume safety. Choose disguises that don't obstruct vision and where possible use face paint instead of masks. If needed adjust the length of costumes to avoid tripping and add reflective material to keep children visible. Carry a flashlight.

Buckle up. If driving trick-or-treaters between neighborhoods, always use appropriate car seats and have children exit and enter on the passenger side of the vehicle.





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