Bill Friday: UNC is an academic enterprise without exception |
Written by Mike Raley/David Horn
Friday, 29 July 2011 09:56 |
(CHAPEL HILL) -- Former UNC-system President Bill Friday supports UNC Chancellor Holden Thorp’s decision to fire head football coach Butch Davis. In the wake of the firing this week, Dr. Friday said it is time to take a long look at how the pressure to create a dominant football program has affected the values UNC holds dear.
"The thing we've got to ask all of ourselves is, how did this happen and why did it happen? Where did the pressure come from for these events to take place? Until you know where the source is you don't solve the problem," said Dr. Friday.
UNC officials must answer to an NCAA committte in October on nine alleged infractions surrounding the football. Dr. Friday said the situation surrounding the program has been detrimental to UNC’s entire athletic department and the university’s reputation as a whole.
Dr. Friday, who served as co-chairman of the Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics, said the UNC administration needs to reaffirm the university’s standards and priorities.
Last Updated on Tuesday, 02 August 2011 00:00 |