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Obama touts education investment at Triad bus tour stop
Written by David Horn   
Wednesday, 19 October 2011 09:45

(JAMESTOWN) -- President Barack Obama is in Virginia Wednesday as he wraps up his three-day bus tour. During a speech on the Guilford Technical Community College campus on Tuesday he said his jobs plan would create 13,000 education jobs in North Carolina alone.

"Here in North Carolina nearly 2,000 classroom positions have been eliminated for this school year.  I visited a school in Millers Creek yesterday where they have had to increase class sizes, there's almost no money for things like text books," said Obama.

The bill the president is pushing would spend $35 billion raised from a small surtax on millionaires to help state and local governments hire teachers. "It is unfair to our kids and it undermines our future not to invest in education.  One North Carolina teacher said, we didn't cause the poor economy, if anything, we built the good parts."

As the President takes his bus tour to Virginia, he is expected to introduce A new move to lower the unemployment rate among the nation's military veterans.

Last Updated on Saturday, 22 October 2011 00:00


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