(WINSTON-SALEM) -- A man is dead after shooting the former boss who fired him and then turning the gun on himself. Lt. Doug Nance of the Winston-Salem Police Department said the call came in about a shooting at an Exprezit Gas Station in Winston-Salem at round 2:00 a.m. Sunday.
"When they arrived they observed a subject deceased in the parking lot from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound," said Nance.
The dead man is identified Richard Vance Dixon, 25. Nance said Dixon shot Alex Little, 44. Little was taken to Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center and is listed in critical condition.
"Richard Dixon, when he arrived he when inside the business with a handgun firing multiple times at the victim, Mr. Little. Once he emptied the handgun he returned outside, obtained a shotgun and shot inside the business on multiple occasions with the shotgun through the front windows."
Dixon was fire last week. Nance said revenge could have been a motive, but the investigation continues.
(Thanks to: WSJS)