Edwards jury must decide who to believe |
Written by David Horn
Friday, 18 May 2012 10:22 |
(GREENSBORO) -- Jurors began considering nearly four weeks of testimony and evidence in John Edwards' federal corruption trial. Experts say the panel must consider whether they believe Edwards or his former aide, Andrew Young.
"I think the defense did a really good job destroying his credibility and it really looks like Andrew Young and his wife engaged in a scheme to help themselves to over a million dollars and they took trips, they bought jewelry. It's hard to imagine any of that money had anything to do with the John Edwards for President Campaign," said former federal prosecutor Kieran Shanahan.
The government tried to make the case that Edwards used the money from wealthy donors to help hide his pregnant mistress and protect his presidential campaign in 2008. The defense has argued that Edwards did not knowingly break the law and while the affair is a sin, it is not a felony.
Edwards could face up to 30 years in prison if convicted.
Last Updated on Tuesday, 22 May 2012 00:00 |