Saturday - March 15, 2025
Senator Burr Fighting for Long Term Care for Disabled Children
Written by Bruce Ferrell   
Saturday, 06 December 2014 10:37

RALEIGH -- It is being called "The broadest legislation to help the disabled in nearly a quarter century," Sen. Richard Burr is pushing the  Achieving a Better Life Experience, or ABLE Act that allows families to save for long-term care for disabled children using accounts similar to 529 accounts for education.

He says current tax rules limit what parents can do to save for their kids.


"That doesn't give great comfort to parents if they know  a child is going to be disabled for a lifetime, and that they are going to outlive their parents, that they can't put money in the name of that child."

The legislation is expected to be considered by the Senate early next week

Last Updated on Saturday, 06 December 2014 10:40


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