Berger offers term-limits compromise to House |
Thursday, 15 September 2011 08:59 |
(RALEIGH) -- Senate president Phil Berger is proposing shorter term-limits for the governor and lieutenant governor as part of compromise on legislation that would limit how long legislative leaders can hold each chamber’s top post.
Berger is now seeking a two-term limit for the Senate President Pro Tempore and House Speaker along with a one-term limit for governor and lieutenant governor. Currently the state's top two executive offices can serve for two terms or eight years.
The announcement comes after Republicans were unable to reach an agreement during the latest special session on a proposed constitutional amendment. Senate lawmakers originally wanted eight consecutive years for legislative leaders. The House approved a bill that limited leadership roles to four years.
“I’m confident we will reach a compromise with the House, but to better balance the power between the two branches of government, leadership in both should be limited to the same number of years,” Berger said in a prepared statement.
It’s unclear whether the proposal will win support from the House. But the issue could come up again during another special session in November.
Last Updated on Monday, 19 September 2011 00:00 |